A Collaborative Academy

Pre-k - 12 Approved Special Education Placement

A Collaborative Academy

A Collaborative Academy

We are currently accepting school aged children into our day school. These programs provide intensive small group or individual academic support for those students transitioning between placements, or those struggling to find success with their current school program. We will work with districts and families to ensure the highest level of success for each student through collaborative work, consultation, and a multi-disciplinary approach.

Diagnostic Placement and Assessment

For students who are experiencing significant difficulties in schools with academics, behavior, or social skills, diagnostic placement will help to determine the necessary steps for success.  Our Center provides a short-term placement that gives students the opportunity to better understand their strengths, while developing the skills necessary to be successful in school with friends, families and in communities.

Program Development and
Transition Services.

In some cases, the standard diagnostic placement is not enough to prepare a student for transition back to school. For those students, an extended transition program is available. We will collaborate with school district personnel to plan for and ensure a continuation of care for students throughout the school year.  When a determination has been made to transition from school-based services, A Behavioral Approach can support the individual, family and staff in ensure the transition is a successful one.

Center Support

A Behavioral Approach provides ABA, social skills, therapeutic services and classes specifically tailored to each child’s needs. Our services are child-centered and individualized. Center Support is provided by our specially qualified team of BCBA’s, clinicians, certified special education staff, RBT’s and behavioral support staff. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive educational, behavioral and therapeutic services that are designed to serve and support each child’s unique potential.

Education At A Behavioral Approach

Our overall philosophy and approach toward academic instruction is to ensure that our students take part in meaningful learning experiences that are designed according to each of their unique needs allowing them to develop and grow to the fullest extent possible.

Educational programs are anchored in and address the State of Connecticut Common Core Standards (elementary, middle, and secondary school) and build skills/content knowledge in the areas of the curriculum. Teachers and behavior technicians work together to facilitate learning through small group and  individualized instruction to provide learners with opportunities to engage in oral language, phonemic  awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, reading  comprehension, and writing (including spelling, grammar, and editing).

In addition, our staff strives to help our learners become mathematically literate. Teachers and behavior technicians support students as they participate in engaging math tasks which can also be applied in their everyday lives.

Teachers and behavior specialists collaborate frequently in order to
support our students through each of their educational journeys.

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